The ZBU loyalty utility token is designed to introduce a B2B loyalty program and revolutionize global business transaction settlements. The ZBU token is built on Ethereum's ERC20 standards and the Binance Smart Chain. ZBU tokens will be interoperable between these two blockchain platforms. The primary use-case of this token is to ensure a cost-effective, fast, and transparent mechanism of transaction settlement and offer loyalty rewards to Zeebu ecosystem partners.
The Zeebu token will have the symbol “ZBU”. The token can be recognized as ZBU on various platforms. The ZBU token has a fixed 5 billion token supply and follows the deflationary model. The ZBU token can be divided up to 18 digits after the decimal.
At the launch stage, ZBU will be listed to the major decentralized exchanges, such as Uniswap, so ecosystem partners can acquire tokens for transaction settlement. In the next stage, ZBU tokens will be made available on centralized exchanges to expand the token availability for the ecosystem partners in different geographies. In addition, early backers to the platform can buy the ZBU tokens over the counter prior to the token launch.
Transaction settlement - Authorized merchants and customers will settle their invoices using ZBU tokens.
Loyalty rewards - Authorized merchants and customers will receive ZBU token rewards on each successfully settled invoice. Merchants and customers each receive rewards of 3.5% of the invoice value in ZBU.
Governance rewards - ZBU tokens will be used to provide additional governance rewards to early backers who contribute to the platform governance.
Transaction fee - ZBU tokens will be used to pay the transaction fee to the payment processor for settling transactions.
Zeebu will release a fixed token supply of 5 billion tokens during the token generation event. We have detailed the ZBU token projections in the following section.
At launch, a total of 980 million tokens will be released for merchants and customers to purchase from decentralized and centralized exchanges.
Customers and merchants will earn loyalty rewards in the form of ZBU for each successful transaction. The loyalty reward value will be equivalent to a total of up to 7% of the invoice value. Merchants and customers will each receive up to 3.5% of the invoice value as loyalty rewards in the form of ZBU tokens. Loyalty rewards will be distributed from the reserved kitty of the payment processor.
Customers and merchants will incur approx. 1% of the value of each invoice as the payment processor fee in the form of ZBU tokens.
The payment processor kitty will also be used to offer governance rewards of up to 3% of the invoice value for each settled transaction.
Below is an overview of the token allocation of the total 5 billion tokens.
12 Months Cliff, 24 Months Vesting
12 Months Cliff, 24 Months Vesting
Private Sales / Reserve Pool
12 Months Cliff, 24 Months Vesting
Exchange / Market Maker
Team & Advisors
12 Months Cliff, 36 Months Vesting
Marketing / Influencer (AirDrop)
36 Months Vesting
Bug-Bounty Budget
36 Months Vesting
The Soft cap for the project is pegged at $5M & Hard cap for the project is pegged at $20M
Private Sale & Reserve Pool will be flexible, which the team will reserve the rights to exercise as deemed needed by the project need and liquidity criterion that's deemed optimum
20.4% of ZBU tokens will be offered to early backers in four different token sale events. During the first token sale event, 2% of the total token supply will be sold to early backers. After the first private token sale, another round of token sales will occur when ZBU is listed on exchanges. Below are the private token sale tranches.
Private Pool R1
Private Pool R2
Private Pool R3
Private Pool R4
The Soft cap for the project is pegged at $5M & Hard cap for the project is pegged at $20M
ZBU is a loyalty utility token based on Ethereum and the Binance Smart Chain that fuels the Zeebu platform for customers and merchants. The token smart contracts are developed with OpenZeppline contracts, leveraging their battle-tested libraries to enhance security and reduce vulnerabilities.
The ZBU token incorporates several technical features, including safeguards to prevent the accidental sending of tokens to the token address itself. This is achieved through the implementation of a “require” function that verifies the recipient is not the same as the token contract address. Additionally, ZBU includes a cliff and vesting function to lock a predetermined amount of tokens for a specified duration within designated contracts, such as liquidity pools. Custom bridges for the Binance Smart Chain and EVM chain have also been developed to facilitate the seamless movement of tokens between pools on different chains.
ZBU also includes several upgradability features. The token and vesting contracts themselves are not upgradeable, but the token outposts, which are the token contracts on other networks, are upgradeable as necessary to respond to changes in bridge contracts. Additionally, the loyalty reward contract is designed to be upgradeable to support the introduction of new loyalty use cases.